Current Events

Übernächste Veranstaltung der Kanzlei Meisterernst

Green Claims – Werbung mit der Umwelt
(Akademie Fresenius)

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Veranstaltung der Kanzlei Meisterernst

Nachhaltigkeitspflichten im Unternehmen
(Akademie Fresenius)

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Übernächste Veranstaltung der Kanzlei Meisterernst

Lebensmittelrecht kompakt
(Akademie Fresenius)

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Good prior advice helps avoiding litigation. Our counselling services are built on our longstanding experience in litigation and our ripened assessment of the legal situation. Should litigation become unavoidable, one needs to take the proper strategic measures.

We represent our clients in all courts, particularly when it comes to unfair competition and public law, be it as claimants or defendants. As far as our focus areas of practice are concerned, we also assume the defence in statutory/ criminal offence proceedings, if necessary with the help of criminal law specialists.

Below is a list of some of the court decisions our lawyers obtained for our clients:

  1. European Court of Justice, judgement from 19 January 2017, Az. C-282/15, „Queisser Pharma GmbH & Co. KG/Bundesrepublik Deutschland“: enrichment of foods – unlawful national prohibitions
    to the judgement...
  2. European Court of Justice,judgement from 3 September 2015, Az. C-321/14, „Colena AG/Karnevalservice Bastian GmbH“: Non-corrective colour contact lenses featuring designs — Statement on the outer packaging describing the product in question as a cosmetic product.
    to the judgement...
  3. Bundesgerichtshof (Federal Court of Justice, judgement from 26 February 2014, ref. I ZR 178/12 – „Praebiotik ®“: trademarks as unauthorised health claims for baby food.
  4. European Court of Justice, judgement from 3 July 2012, ref.: C-128/11 – „usedSoft“: distribution of second-hand software licences via internet downloads
    to the judgement...
  5. Hanseatisches Oberlandesgericht Hamburg (Hamburg Court of Appeals), judgement from 1 March 2012, ref.: 3 U 160/10: health claims for baby food („Praebiotik® + Probiotik®“)
    to the judgement...
  6. Bundesverwaltungsgericht (Federal Administrative Court), judgement from 1 March 2012, ref. 3 C 15.11: glucosamine and chondroitin as characteristic and common ingredients of foodstuffs
    to the judgement...
  7. Bundesgerichtshof, judgement from 12 January 2012, ref.: I ZR 211/10: Admissibility of a discount system for pharmaceuticals procurement from abroad ("Apotheken-Pick-Up")
    to the judgement...
  8. Hanseatisches Oberlandesgericht Hamburg, decision from 2 November 2011, ref.: 5 W 115/11: unconstitutionality of referral to another chamber debating on the merits
    to the judgement...
  9. Oberlandesgericht München (Munich Court of Appeals), judgement from 29 July 2010, ref.: 29 U 5013/09: Admissibility under trademark law of import of pharmaceuticals branded with "H 15 Gufic"
    to the judgement...
  10. Bundesgerichtshof, judgement from 15 July 2010, ref.: I ZR 123/09: glucosamine sulphate – subjecting nutritional substances to the possibility of authorization contrary to EU-law
    to the judgement...
  11. European Court of Justice, judgement from 8 November 2007, ref.: C-143/06: ECJ – "Ludwigs-Apotheke": Adistribution of price lists for individual importation of pharmaceuticals (§ 8 HWG)
    to the judgement...


Meisterernst Rechtsanwälte PartG mbB
Herzog-Heinrich-Str. 1, 80336 Munich

Fon +49(0)89-1891745-0


The competence and expertise of our law firm and our lawyers is also documented by several awards and achievements

The Legal 500
Auszeichnungen und Referenzen der Kanzlei Meisterernst Rechtsanwälte

Current Events

Übernächste Veranstaltung der Kanzlei Meisterernst

Green Claims – Werbung mit der Umwelt
(Akademie Fresenius)

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Veranstaltung der Kanzlei Meisterernst

Nachhaltigkeitspflichten im Unternehmen
(Akademie Fresenius)

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Übernächste Veranstaltung der Kanzlei Meisterernst

Lebensmittelrecht kompakt
(Akademie Fresenius)

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Our guiding principle „Thinking further“ also applies beyond the work we carry out our very selves. Through permanent cooperations and as part of different networks, our law firm and its lawyers are in constant contact and exchange with other experts.


Our lawyers inter alia engage in the following institutions:

Oswald Engelmann
Rechtsanwalt und Diplom-Betriebswirt (FH)

Deutsche Vereinigung für gewerblichen Rechtsschutz und Urheberrecht e.V. (GRUR)

Lebensmittelverband Deutschland e.V.

Arbeitskreis Nahrungsergänzungsmittel

Rechtsausschuss Lebensmittelverband Deutschland

Bundesverband der Arzneimittelhersteller e.V. (BAH)

European Food Law Association (EFLA)

Integritas Verein für lautere Heilmittelwerbung e.V.

Korrespondenten und Mitarbeiter des European Food and Feed Law Review (EFFL)

Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft für Lebensmittelrecht e.V. (WGfL)

Gesellschaf für Umweltrecht e.V. (GfU)

If need be, our permanent scientific cooperation partner RDA Scientific Consultants GmbH, supports us in complex scientific and regulatory matters. We also collaborate intensively with our colleagues from the law firm Belmont | Legal specialised in commercial and company law.

Whenever legal questions with an implication of foreign law occur, we provide multinational concepts in a time-and cost-effective way thanks to our trusted and straightforward cooperation with befriended foreign colleagues.

Beyond our work for clients, our lawyers also active members in a number of specialist associations and scientific institutions. Our clients profit from the insight and contacts gained from these activities.

  • RDA Scientific Consultants GmbH     RDA
  • Oswald Engelmann

In multinational scenarios we work closely together with specialised foreign colleagues and other independent experts. We are therefore able to provide specifically tailored concepts across broders and clarify legal issues with foreign implications early on.


If you have any questions, don't hesitate calling us or sending an e-mail.

Fast to the goal

Thinking further

we connect law,
science and experience.

Acting decisively

we show you the way!
Solution-orientated, committed, forcefully.

Achieving goals

creating success with
sustainable solutions.

Our Team

Meisterernst Rechtsanwälte PartG mbB

Our Team

Meisterernst Rechtsanwälte PartG mbB

Our Team

Meisterernst Rechtsanwälte PartG mbB

Our Team

Meisterernst Rechtsanwälte PartG mbB

Meisterernst Rechtsanwälte

PartG mbB